Saturday, January 31, 2009

Painting....uh oh

For an art design class I decided to try something new and try oil painting. It's due Monday so if you guys could give me input that'd be awesome. The assignment was to take a song rythm and put it to art. I chose a song called pieces by the band Red. It starts off classical and the middle is more emotional with the ending being classical music again. so....tell me what you think!! : ) It really doesn't look like something died too bad does it lol.....oops

Sunday, January 25, 2009

or not lol

life's too short to live the same day twice or to have the same people in our lives too long. onto new things

Saturday, January 17, 2009

....what a sappy story....

So....I get stuck in the airport on Christmas Eve for about 6 hours....I sit down next to a sleeping start reading my book when the guy started waking up. I felt bad for him all scrunched up on the airport chair. He started pretending to read a book and so then he asks me to watch his bag while he goes to get some coffee...and being the gentleman that he is he asks if he can get me anything. Long story short....too late I know. I met my new best friend Patrick. Mars I know I promised you pictures...I'll get them up here soon! : )

Home for Christmas

So everyone knows I love taking pictures....and everyone knows I drag lots of people into photoshoots for my ideas....this time it was my little brothers and little sister....correction my younger brothers and younger sister who got dragged along for the fun.... well i had fun!

I'm so bad at this!

Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, and other fun stuff like that that I missed!!! I'm posting pictures finally! miss everyone back home!!!